Sunday, January 10, 2016

Real Talk---

I'm 5 feet in the deep end. breathing through a straw.
I cant Write poetry, I have to get a spoon to scrape this out.
Because I cant think its like a stampeded of thoughts are rushing in and i cant pick out any thing.
I Have no more room to think. 
I cant breath.
  Im balding and forgetting to buy a toupee.
This class is almost over and I have given in. 
The tooth paste is empty and sitting in the trash.
Good bye dwellers.
I loved the moments I had with yall.
<Me after this class>

I Remember ( actually i dont)

Here is a list of things I didn't remember.
My password for my google account.
This assignment. 
The color of pants i'm wearing.
how many moles I have.
what I got for Christmas.
The four seasons.
When I had the feels.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mellifluous Whim-Relevant

-Relevant By Mellifluous Whim

I have been reading Mellifluous's blog for awhile because she always has really deep writing and Awesome pictures and Gifs. 
And I always get the feels. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Time for a Hair cut

I never told my parents my pen name.
I never told them I had a blog.
I really don't know why I write.
I'm not Creative.
I'm not serious.
And thank god I'm not a sex offender.
I really have no idea why my pen name 
is Comb over mike.
it might be because I have always thought those with comb overs 
have something to hide behind.
Because they are bald and smooth on top.
I'm bald and smooth on top.
I finally had a canvas.
This is my canvas.
I don't care if y'all enjoyed this high
But I did.
Being anonymous.
Was a hoot. 

I am Tanner Horan 

Goodnight Dwellers 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lets not play music

Music is a huge part of my life I listen to it almost 24/7
Once on this blog I wrote a song. It wasn't serious.
But recently I have been writing a nice rock ballad.
About a Man who has a vertical jump of 4 feet. 
Who lives on the streets Compton.
Who works a Clinic and sells garden salads for a living.
He gets mugged by a girl who looks like Natalie Portman. 
And decides its time for a change.
I feel this song would be real good it has a really good Vocalist(me)
Drummer (me)
The beat would be very up lifting.
There would be subtle references to Independence Day.
What more could a person want.
But the thing is I am actually pretty bad at this stuff and would like to find someone to work with. Anyone?
Good night dwellers.
Good listens-
For the night
1."What what(in the Butt)" Samwell 
2."A boy named sue"- johnny cash
3."Santa Claus has got the aids this year" -Tiny Tim


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Finger Tut

Its Wednesday Im reading my nook. My fingers feel the beat of the new One direction song. What do my fingers do, they finger Tut. 
Finger tutting is an art.
A beauty.
A late night sweat pants day fallout 4 kind of Sunday.
Finger tutting.
Need I say more.
My Heart craves more of it.
I need there to be a cool ranch Doritos commercial where a guy eats Doritos and Tuts the fingers.
My heart. Loves finger tutting.